Thursday, April 22, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Here's the baby

And now, introducing Kaeden James Doshier!!!

Kaeden was born at 7:12 a.m. on Friday January 8th, 2010. At the time of birth, he weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces and was 21 inches long. Also, his head has a circumference of 15 inches. Basically, for a first baby, he's enormous!!

Autumn was in hard labor from about 4 p.m. Thursday until Kaeden was born. She has been in the hospital however since 8 p.m. on Wednesday because her bag of waters ruptured. The heavy labor didn't start until almost a day after we got here. Since Autumn was in labor so long, her body and mind were very tired. She eventually got an epidural to help her cope with the difficulties of her labor. She liked it. Unfortunately, before we could get the epidural, we had a space of about 30 minutes that we had to wait. She was very uncomfortable and very much in more pain than her exhausted body could handle so the nurse gave her a pain medication called Stadol until the epidural could get there. Well, in short, Autumn doesn't do well with Stadol. She got incredibly loopy, couldn't remember the few hours before the meds, and eventually thought that the blond haired Anesthesiologist was Legolas from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. She didn't like it.

So, after pushing throughout the night, Autumn had severe backpain, even with the epidural in, and we all tried to figure out why. The nurse called our doctor and had her come in while we upped the epidural meds. When the doctor got here, she said, "Well, if your back hurts, let's have this baby." So, we intensified the pushing and our doctor did everything she could to get our baby out, even though his head was crooked in the birth canal. Eventually we got him out with the help of a very small vacuum, and everything turned beautiful. However, Autumn had some tearing that happened while our huge baby came out of her. The doctor got another doctor and had to start stitching right after the placenta was done doing its thing.

Kaeden was measured and weighed and got all of his tests back with passing numbers, and Autumn got a blood transfusion after the stitching and a whopping 40 over 20 blood pressure. We will be in the hospital until Sunday at the earliest but it is nice because we can both sleep while the nurses take care of him every now and then. Autumn didn't get to leave the bed all day on Friday, but now she has been on two walks, and is doing wonderfully. Our baby is very calm, and all of the nurses like him.

I am going to rest now, and I apologize for not updating much, but the labor process was incredibly difficult and I was near Autumn's side for almost all of it, even when she told me to shut up and threw stuff at me. Otherwise, I would have updated more often. If any of you tried to come and see us and met our bodyguard (nurse) and she told you to get out of here, she was only being a good nurse and doing as we asked her. We were both on the point of passing out all day yesterday. Also, if any of you tried to call us and we didn't answer, we were busy, so sorry.

Thanks to all of you that had Autumn and our family in your good thoughts over the past couple of days, and we are excited to show off our baby to everyone, when it isn't so cold outside.

I was unable to post a picture here, but there is one on my account of Facebook, so go there.

Love to all of you, and I hope that things are well for you,

The Ashland Doshier family

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Alright, so I have no time at all to post anything, because Autumn needs me, but the doctor broke her water and then she started having heavy contractions. After a while, she was tired and stressed about everything. In the end, at about who knows when Autumn got an epidural!! She is happy now and chillaxin'.

Here is to me posting some pictures

It's baby time

So no news yet, except that Autumn is going on Petossin (spelling??) It is Thursday January 07 at about 11:40 a.m. I will update later, but there is no WiFi in our room so I have to go around the hospital and find a spot to update anyone.

Wish us luck


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Looking Forward

Today is a good day! Jared and I are working hard this week and have forgotten how trying our past week has been. We don't get to see much of each other because we are always on opposite shifts. We are so happy for our marriage and relationship though and we feel fortunate to have the time together that we do get.
Jared is so excited to be a father and always finds excuses to rub my belly and talk to our baby. I secretly love these moment so very much. I think my husband is such an amazing man. I can not wait to see him interact with our son.
I am so exhausted this week and hope that I can find some time to sleep. It has been hard for me to relax without Jared at home at night. I am managing alright though with the help of "tension tamer tea".
I am getting bigger and bigger each day. I want to buy some cute maternity clothes, but I'm clinging to the hope that I will be able to fit in my regular clothes the whole pregnancy. I love fantasy hope.
I hope everyone is doing really well. Jared and I love you all so much

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some Thoughts

I am full of inspiration and hope today. Jared's family is still dealing with the tragedy of the past week, but we are so fortunate to have so much love and support from all directions in our lives.

Last night I was speaking with my father about philosophy. Philosophy comes up a lot in our conversations. My father is a Buddhist and chants/meditates twice daily. There is a specific silent prayer that is given to those who have been lost in life. My father and I were discussing this prayer with one another in lieu of recent events. My father was explaining that this prayer is meant to have one reflect on our deep connection to all those around us. He said that this prayer helps one realize the importance of empathy and compassion for all people.

I know this concept sounds really hippie dippy. However, I was struck by the importance of the explanation of this prayer in day to day life. We know that life is not guaranteed. Jared and I have realized that moments are more special and precious than we will ever truly appreciate. I feel that it is so important to find love and compassion for everyone that you may contact in your life. Jared and I are making a new goal for ourselves to cherish every interaction we make with others. Ryan was a person who we grew to love, but never truly cherished in every moment. For that, we will always regret our inability to recognize the uncertainty of tomorrow. We would like to start today, in honor of our dear brother in-law, to recognize the best in every individual. We are trying hard to tone down the critic in us that inhibits us from seeing how far love can transform our opinions of others.

We love our family and friends so dearly. We hope that we can honor and respect people in every moment of life.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy birthday Katie Lou

Today is Jared's sister Katie's birthday. She has to spend it in the hospital this year. A tragedy has struck her life this past weekend and she has lost her dearly beloved husband through a devastating car accident. She is in the ICU right now in Reno Nevada. Astonishingly, she is doing very well on her way to recovery. She is in so many people's hearts and minds right now. Jared and I have felt the full support of so many around us. Cora, Kate's three month old daughter, was also in the car but has managed to escape this tragedy physically unharmed.
I am overwhelmed by the devastating nature of this event. Jared and I are full of sorrow and hope for our dear sister Kate. We loved Ryan and new how much he loved his family. We are struck with wonderment as we turn our thoughts to God in hopes of some glimpse into his comprehension of all things.
Jared and I would like to thank all of those who have shown their love and support, kindness and compassion, and overall hope in this difficult time. We know that through all things we can rely on the Lord's plan in our lives.
I found a quote from Neil a Maxwell that I thought was worth sharing:
“The Lord knows our bearing capacity, both as to coping and to comprehending, and He will not give us more to bear than we can manage at the moment, though to us it may seem otherwise. Just as no temptations will come to us from which we cannot escape or which we cannot bear, we will not be given more trials than we can sustain.” Neil A Maxwell
I am so grateful to know and to love the family I have been given. I will cherrish the memories of Ryan and try harder to show compassion and love to all.